Friday, August 21, 2009


its hard work, really! Some of its not so bad, you definitely hope for the 'drop off' stops. Those are where you leave the appliances all nice and boxed up... and high tail it out of there after getting the signature. Its fun to set stuff up too, which is good, since that's what we usually do. I'm starting to work on a 'wish-list' for my Vann's purchases.. (don't tell my wife) I think I'm going to be saving up for awhile for some of them. Most of what I'm currently dreaming about is audio-related, to go with the TV & blueray player I already own.

Whatever though, right? Its good to be working again, nice to have something steady going.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


offered a job by Vann's Electronics as of today. If all goes well and the paperwork is cleared by the home office, I should be starting sometime next week! Oh, and I tested negative for all drugs.

God Provides.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

All seems well!

.. with my soul, right?

I think the interviews went well. One was with a temp staffing agency, the other was with Vann's Electronics.
The Vann's job would be delivery / warehouse type stuff, with possible switching / promotion to installation if one of those positions ever opened up. It'd be full time, benefits to start after 90 days. Its not an OMG, we're gonna be rich! type job, but it will definitely pay the bills and, I believe, keep me interested... not to mention give me a chance to really get to know Bozeman and the surrounding areas!! Oh, and I'd get staff-pricing on their electronics. Seriously, how dangerous is that????!!!

If I got the Vann's job, my video work/dream would definitely have to be put on a backburner for a couple years. There are a few things that Addie and I need to take care of before we can even think about going back to the 'struggling artist' stage.

The plan then becomes that I take as much freelance stuff as I can after my real job, and/or during the weekends... stuff like that. In no way do I want to 'give up' the dream, but there's also that liiiiittle detail called "reality." Ooops.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I have 2 on Monday, pray they go well..

I'm not quite ready to give up on video, as I'm so damn good at it and enjoy it too much! Not to mention I'm good at it. Aaaand I have all this gear, you see, that's made for it! But its not bringing in the money, so its time to look elsewhere.

Its just the Blakester and I this weekend, Addie's off to hang out with her mom and sisters in Missoula! PAAAARRRRTTTY!