Saturday, August 8, 2009


I have 2 on Monday, pray they go well..

I'm not quite ready to give up on video, as I'm so damn good at it and enjoy it too much! Not to mention I'm good at it. Aaaand I have all this gear, you see, that's made for it! But its not bringing in the money, so its time to look elsewhere.

Its just the Blakester and I this weekend, Addie's off to hang out with her mom and sisters in Missoula! PAAAARRRRTTTY!


  1. I came home to a clean house - how much partying was done?!

  2. i feel your pain, good luck with the interviews. maybe you'll find two things you're good at ... it is possible :P Ok, so you're good at lots of things. You'll be fine...
