Friday, August 21, 2009


its hard work, really! Some of its not so bad, you definitely hope for the 'drop off' stops. Those are where you leave the appliances all nice and boxed up... and high tail it out of there after getting the signature. Its fun to set stuff up too, which is good, since that's what we usually do. I'm starting to work on a 'wish-list' for my Vann's purchases.. (don't tell my wife) I think I'm going to be saving up for awhile for some of them. Most of what I'm currently dreaming about is audio-related, to go with the TV & blueray player I already own.

Whatever though, right? Its good to be working again, nice to have something steady going.


  1. Steady is great, Saturday steady is kind of lousy.

    And I didn't think your starter wish list was THAT bad. :) Just don't show me the rest?
